Each April, the Month of the Military Child provides a chance for us to recognize and thank the children of our service members and veterans. The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce has been honored to uphold our obligation to support our service members and their families both while they are deployed and when they are home. It is not only those who wear the uniform that serve our country — it is also their loved ones, and especially their children. In the timeless words of the poet John Milton, “They also serve who only stand and wait.”

Military-connected children shoulder the burdens of service, facing unique challenges from a young age such as frequent moves, being separated from extended family, integrating into new schools, and leaving friendships behind. Farewells to their military loved one is hard and not knowing when they will see them again can cause challenges for the whole family.  Missed birthdays, holidays, graduations, and other important milestones are celebrated with just a phone call. 

Military children continue to face challenges as their parent transitions out of uniform and into civilian life. Many children grow into caregivers for their loved one who suffered during their service.  Too many live with the pain and loss of a parent or family member who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.

Not only in April, but throughout the year, your Chamber community seeks to share our gratitude for these children, recognizing the hardships they face and assisting in connecting our business community with the families who need their support.

As a symbol of our support to our military children, during the Month of the Military Child, we encourage you to wear purple — the color that represents all services in the military community – and to light up your businesses purple, as well as support and attend events honoring the military families. Friday, April 14th is designated as the official Day of the Military Child in Texas, so be sure to wear your purple, take a picture and share on social media. Be sure to tag: #milkidstrong #MOMC #MonthoftheMilitaryChild and #PurpleUp to promote your support!

For more details on how to show your gratitude, visit www.purpleupusa.org and join our military supporting community at these events:

  • April 14th – Wear Purple in San Antonio!
  • April 15th – Super Fun Saturday at Hemisfair Park from 11am – 2pm - Live music, info booths, family fun activities, food and more. Visit www.hemisfair.org for more details.
  • April 16th : San Antonio Zoo Celebrates the Military Child: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.- FREE for military child & save 50% on Zoo Standard Admission for up to four (4) guests. Military parent/adult must show proof of military ID to receive free child’s ticket. Walk up offer only (not offered online) - Must be purchased at the zoo’s front gates.   http://sazoo.org/military-child/

For information on how to support Purple Up USA or military children, contact Liz Lee at CELEBRATE@PURPLEUPUSA.ORG.