The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Council met on Thursday last week to discuss the current climate during the 88th Texas Legislature and the Council’s federal legislative priorities in preparation for the Chamber’s SA to DC trip.

To begin the meeting, 2023 council chair Kevin Matula (Zachry Group) welcomed Charles Woodin (CEO, Geekdom) to brief the Council on Geekdom’s ongoing effort to support the start-up community and bring investment to San Antonio. Charles highlighted a few of Geekdom’s newest programs and resources including a monthly “San Antonio Startup Day” and Geekdom’s first “Entrepreneur in Residence” Ben Jones founder of Skipcart, who serves as a resource to all who call Geekdom home. Geekdom’s 10-year target is to help launch 500 start-ups with at least 75% of them calling San Antonio home.

To learn more about the resources they provide and what events are slated for 2023, visit the Geekdom website.

Following Charles’ presentation, the council discussed current language being considered by the Texas Legislature that addresses economic incentives approved by the state, much like the Texas Tax Code Chapter 313 that sunset at the end of 2022. After focusing on state priorities, the council shifted focus to its federal priorities including Aerospace, Healthcare and Bioscience, and General Business. The federal priorities guide the Chamber’s engagement with the federal government for the year and provide specific areas to address during the annual fly-in to Washington D.C. in late March. After discussion, Council Chair Kevin Matula accepted the Council’s recommendation to send the priorities to the Public Policy Council for approval.

For more information on the Chamber’s two advocacy trips, VIVA and SA to DC, contact Jeff Fair or visit the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce website.